You Are A Badass

Brainstorm YOUR Story

The Brainstorming Guide - Phase 1


The Brainstorming Guide - Phase 1
Screenplay brainstorming Tool

  • Get your story idea out of your head and into the world
  • Work out important aspects of your idea that you can see
  • Develop your idea into a viable story
  • Work out and expand the things that will transform your idea into a screenplay
  • Flesh out your characters
  • Identify your plot beats 
  • Add a cool plot twist
  • Break down your favorite movies or comp films, similar to your idea
  • Work efficiently to plan and complete your screenplay
Every great story idea started as a tiny seed in someone’s mind. How many amazing story ideas have you had? We designed the phase I brainstorming board to help you extract that tiny seed and help it grow into a fully grown screenplay. 
Learn More About Screenplay Brainstorming Here

Here's a video that shows you how to use the Phase 1 - Brainstorming Guide